Anyway they asked if there was a supermarket nearby and when they heard that the closest was at New Norfolk they weren't too happy as they're doing a lot of walking and needed some bread. I offered them a loaf from the freezer but they insisted on either giving me money or goods in exchange. I explained to them that about 35 years ago I'd been travelling in the Netherlands and everywhere I was met with kindness and offers of help and so I saw this as Karma and it was my way of repaying what had been given to me all those years ago, and that somewhere along the line they'd have a chance to do likewise … hopefully not having to wait 35 years!
In any event they still proceeded to give me some teabags and a small tin of tuna (which I took as it seemed to make them feel better).
This morning we shared a lovely "Dutch style" bacon and egg breakfast and many cups of tea, cooked by Jimmy, before they departed for Mt Field National Park.