We decided to leave Sale for Korumburra on Sunday10th as the next 2 days were forecast to be 43 C. It was a short trip, only 97 kms, but slow, as the road was hilly and winding. We stopped for a coffee break in Koonwarra - this tiny town is a “waste wise” village and also heavily into sustainable living.
Stop in Koonwarra and go back in time. The old store has lots of edible goodies to take home or stop and have a cup of tea in the adjoining garden. As well as providing some charming cafe seating, the garden is a model of the environmental conscious 'kitchen garden' which routinely composts and recycles all produce.They also have cooking classes and provide a cellar door with tastings of Gippsland wines by the glass.
Korumburra Showgrounds are spacious with large pine trees at the top end where we decided to camp to get out of the hot sun. Being under the trees proved really beneficial during the 40+ heat on Monday and the air-conditioner coped pretty well, with the temperature only reaching 30 C in the evening.
The daily cost with power is $10, $8 without power.
Of course we’ve sussed out the best cafe in town (have to get your priorities right), it’s the Green Door, an organic cafe - had delicious bruschetta with ricotta cheese (2 enormous slices of sour dough) for only $6.50.
The other folks from the CMCA forum (who are meeting us here) arrived during the week - John & Kay with their dog Gizmo, Peter & Jan, Paul (Salty) and his dog Cobber, Glen & Sarah their daughter Megan and dog Shane, John & Julieanne, Keith & Beth and a couple of Queenslander blow ins Peter & Jo.
John, Keith, Beth, Jan, Peter and Paul

Keith, Beth, Jan and Laurie

Laurie, Sarah, Glen, Paul and dogs
At the same time there was a CMCA Gippsland Chapter Rally here, so in all there were around 50 rigs and 100 people (not forgetting dogs and the occasional horse from Pony Club members).
The Gippslanders had an Op Shop (Charity Shop) Ball on Saturday night and Peter and Jan won (most deservedly) Most Elegant Couple - she resplendant in a 1980's dress and Peter in a very handsome navy velvet waistcoat, all from local op shops.
Peter and Jan
After a lovely sunny week the weather has decided to return to winter and it's currently arond 15 C and is alternately low clouds and squalls of driving rainl