Tuesday 23 October 2012

R.I.P. Skye — 17 October 1998-22 October 2012

Tragically, yesterday evening my beautiful Skye was killed. She was lying beside the Motorhome, on her lead, and was driven over, by accident, by a car that was turning. She died instantly.

From the time she was born Skye was a sturdy wee Scottish lassie

who loved her fluffy toys … one memorable time, when she was 2 years old, she decided to become the neighbour's kitten's foster mum and whenever the cat left the bed Skye would go and lie with the kittens. When any of the little ones absconded Skye would gently retrieve them in her mouth.

She had many friends both of the four and two legged variety [a 3 minute YouTube Video]

Skye was the cafe queen and could really work the room

Skye enjoyed a good tug-of-war with four and …

two legged friends

Skye could look so smart and did get a great variety of different haircuts on her travels, this one is more of a Schnauzer cut :-)
… or just the opposite

What's the best thing to do after a wash and groom?
Mmmmm that's the finishing touch …

followed by a tummy rub, and
back scratch where she could make her funny noises and goofy face
The thing I most treasured in Skye was her special affinity with children

and of course she was the ultimate travelling companion