Once again I've been fortunate to have friendly neighbours and we've enjoyed evenings sitting around the fireplaces provided here, it's getting slightly warmer at night as I travel further north but a campfire is still much appreciated.
Last night Skye disappeared for a while and she was found begging food (how unusual) from some young English backpackers, Charlie & Grace, in a Wicked Camper. They'd come in late afternoon and weren't able to get a beachfront site so I invited them to share mine as there was room for them to squeeze in. They also wanted to sleep in a bit and where they were parked would have lots of passing traffic and of course I wouldn't be making lots of noise early in the morning!

Being British they went for a swim this morning and then came back and had a "fry-up" - I was happily surprised to be offered a bacon sandwich. Later I noticed that they'd given me the best part of the bacon and left the fat and rind for themselves - how generous is that?