Monday 19 January 2009

19th Jan - Monday - Annie has officially "turned the corner"

Hi all

One of the ICU doctors rang today to say that Annie is going back to theatre this morning to close up the remainder of the muscle part of "the wound". That will leave the vac dressing on the sub-cutaneous part still. He said they feel that Annie has "turned the corner now" (his words). Her fevers are lower and she is making some physical progress, though slow. Yesterday she stood, momentarily, on a frame after another trip outdoors. He kept repeating that future progress would be very slow. They are hopeful that Annie will leave ICU this week and "go upstairs" where, ever so slowly, the rehabilitation process will proceed and the various lines "in and out" be withdrawn.

On Sunday Annie had another visit from her good friend Penny. She was able to speak a few words, very softly, and was thrilled to see Penny and listen to reassurances that Skye and Danni were doing fine.

Cheers, Laurie