The drive from Warmun to Kununurra was, along with the Karrijini area, one of those "YOU'VE JUST GOT TO DO IT" things — each bend in the road opened up an awe-inspiring vista … just wonderful but unfortunately don't think my photos do it justice.
There were 4 passengers in the plane, 3 of us in the back seat so Danni was able to sit in the middle which was safer for her! She still enjoyed all the sensations of flying but wasn't blown about quite as much as us on the outside. It was a great trip and I'd recommend it to anyone — being in a helicopter you fly lower than in a plane and having no doors means you get a better view and can take photos without having to worry about reflections — as long as you're not too terrified and spending all your time hanging on with both hands!
The trip was quite expensive at $295 each for the 1 hour trip (but if there were only 2 of us on trip it would have been $495 each!) but worth it to see these Aussie icons.
Our campsite near Warmun