Monday 4 August 2008

Barn Hill Station

Barn Hill Station is about 120km south of Broome — we spent a few nights here — it's a great place with a good atmosphere. There are lovely views over the ocean and at night you can see the lights of Broome in the distance.

On Sunday evenings they have a roast meal (with station beef) and live entertainment and on Wednesday evenings a sausage sizzle — Danni loved that.

The station covers 430,000 acres with 85kms of coastline and they run 8,000 head of Brahman cattle. Enormous unpowered sites are $15 and each one has it's own water tap. They also make their own icecream which is DELICIOUS!
Barn Hill is around 9km off the main road - a good sandy road though
Skye got the best trim she's every had from Terri a fellow traveller at Barn Hill — she also cut my hair. Terri had never cut a 'human's' hair before but bravely cut mine - she said it was like cutting a spaniel's ears!?? Whatever, she did a fabulous job, one of the best cuts I've had.